The number of SLFS officers as Sri Lankan Embassies and High Commissions will increase to 28 in 52 Embassies and High Commissions with these appointments. Previously, as much as 60% were political appointees and only 40% were from the SLFS.
New Sri Lankan envoys have now been appointed for the missions in Brussels, Turkey, Oman, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Netherlands, Singapore, Austria, Washington, and the Office of the Permanent Representative at the United Nations in New York. The list of nominated new ambassadors have received the approval of the Committee on High Posts in Parliament. Foreign Ministry Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha expressed his gratitude to the President for appointing such a large number of SLFS officers as heads of missions for the first time and, thereby, ensuring a healthy balance between Service professionals and political appointees. He also briefed the President about the orientation programme organized by the Ministry for the new heads of missions.