A glamorous pageant comprising cultural performances of Udarata (up country), Pahatharata (low country), Sabaragamuwa and Jaffna, with elephants paraded the main streets of Jaffna city on 5 evening. Members of Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, Jaffna schools, dancing institutes and professionals presented performances in the procession.
Religious leaders, Governor Northern Province Major General (Retd) G.A. Chandrasiri, Government Agent Jaffna Sundaram Arumainayagam, government officials and a large crowd of civilians witnessed the event.
All night pirith chanting at the Naga Vihara was followed by heel daana (alms giving) on 06th morning. Katina cheevara (robe) was brought in procession from the Civil Affairs and Public Relations Office to the temple.(KH)