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    National Poson Festival at Anuradhapura, Mihintale and Tanthirimale Featured

    June 16, 2016

    Government has decided to hold this year’s National Poson Festival centering the Mihintale, Thanthirimale and Anuradhapura Atamasthana sacred sites.

    The Poson Week will commence today (June 16) and will conclude on 22nd June.


    According to the Ministry of Parliamentary Reforms and Media Minister Gayantha Karunathilaka approximately two million devotees are expected for this year’s Poson season.

    Minister said that the devotees should consider that the environment is sacred and should not pollute it. All institutions concerned have given an assurance to meet all the facilities needed by the devotees.

    He said they expected the support of everyone to make the National Poson Festival a success.

    Last modified on Thursday, 16 June 2016 16:07

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