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    Government purchases paddy at a guaranteed price of Rs 50

    January 23, 2020

    The government has taken steps to purchase paddy at a minimum guaranteed price of Rs. 50 per kilo for the Maha season, co-cabinet spokesman, Minister Bandula Gunawardena said.Speaking at the weekly cabinet media briefing at Auditorium of the Government Information Dep0artment,Minister Dr.Gunawardena said the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the purchase of a kilogram of paddy that is up to accepted quality standards at a price of Rs.50. A kilogram of moist paddy that is below quality standards will be purchased at Rs.45.

    The paddy will be purchased at a price of Rs. 50 per kilo through the Paddy Marketing Board and Government Agents.The relevant Cabinet paper presented by the Agriculture Minister Chamal Rajapaksa to the Cabinet of Ministers was approved by the Cabinet.


    Last modified on Thursday, 23 January 2020 15:20

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