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    Act in unity as Sri Lankan citizens despite national, religious, and cultural diversities

    February 04, 2015

    Issuing a messag to mark Sri Lanka's  67th Independence day Ven. Udugama Saddharmakeerthi Sri Dhammadassi Rathanapala Buddharakkhitha, Mahanayake thera of the Syamopali Maha Nikaya of the Mahavihara Ancestry, and the Chief Incumbent of Sri Hayagiri (Asgiri) Vijayasundararamaya said We should determine to act in unity as Sri Lankan citizens despite national, religious, and cultural diversities in this 67th independence celebrations by making the concept Samagga hotha ma vivadatha in Buddhism a main conception of Sri Lankan citizens.

    The following is the full text of the message:


    I am glad to bless the Sri Lankan government including the new President, the new Prime Minister and all the citizens in the country on the occasion of commemorating the 67th Independence Day of Sri Lanka.


    It is a known fact that the national, religious, cultural, social and educational development occurred in the country after the arrival of Mahinda Thera, has declined over the western imperialistic invasions in the early 17th century. After about five centuries, we were ruled under the administrations of Portuguese, Dutch and British nations. Our sovereignty was regained on February 4, 1948. The patriotic feelings and commitments of native heroes who led the struggle for independence such as Ven. Wariyapola Sri Sumangala, Ven. S. Mahinda, Puran Appu, Gongalegoda Banda and Keppetipola are clearly visible in our history. We should note that their struggle was not led by racism in any manner, but was focused on the main theme of patriotism.


    All those patriotic heroes should be felicitated in a day like this. There are many interpretations to freedom and according to basic teachings of Buddhism, a human being gains the full freedom only after they are released from the sufferings of samsara (repeating cycle of birth, life and death) by eradicating the lust which is the base for sinful thoughts. Till then they are bound to the samsara.


    Therefore sinful thoughts such as hatred, selfishness, jealousy and pride will be generated in human minds. We should as Sri Lankans reconsider that though we are currently enjoying a certain political and economical freedom, have we been able to gain a satisfactory development in the country due to the above evilness.


    All citizens belonging to all races and religions working on selfishness than patriotism engaging in conflict which are based on race and religion have caused a decline in the progress of the country.


    It is a fact that Sri Lanka is comparatively on a slow growth with regard to other countries that have gained their independence within the past six decades. It should be stated that though we have liberated our motherland from terrorism, we could not gain a meaningful development as we do not possess a common attitude that our country should be built by ourselves. We should determine to act in unity as Sri Lankan citizens despite national, religious, and cultural diversities in this 67th independence celebrations by making the concept Samagga hotha ma vivadatha in Buddhism a main conception of Sri Lankan citizens. I wish success for all good tasks regarding the 67th independence ceremony with the blessings of the Triple Gem and the Tooth Relic.

    long bannar

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