The week for National Zoological Gardens will start on Monday(08) and continue until coming Friday (12).
Several programs have bee organized during week days focusing on the National Zoological Garden Colombo.
Zoological garden in Dehiwala, is a beautifully landscaped 30 acre land which has a rich collection of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish live in harmony with Nature. (also called Colombo Zoo or Dehiwala Zoo)
Visions for the zoo include, "To create one of the world’s outstanding zoological institutions, that is a centre of the excellence for conservation, research and education" and mission is "Resourceful conservation of animals by means of learning, achieved through the exhibition of species which were adopted with loving care".
This week makes a great experience to the foreign and local visitors as well as the staff of the Department of National Zoological Gardens. (SDF/KH)