October 16, 2024
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    The Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Kingdom of Bahrain successfully co-ordinated Sri Lanka’s participation at the “Bahrain for All” festival held at Bahrain Bay from 06 to 07 February 2020.

    Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 12.02.2020

    1. Contribution of Sri Lanka for the arrears amounts recovery and loan concessionary
    package expected to be established in assistance for the reformation process of Somalia,
    using the internal resources with the contribution from the member countries of the
    International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    Burden sharing Mechanism of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a policy passed by its
    governing board in 1986 whereas this methodology / mechanism has been created to reimburse
    the income lost for the fund due to non – settlement of charges by its members under various
    grounds. Therefore, the Fund has requested the member nations to totally or partially contribute
    the internal resources of the member nations for the arrears amounts recovery and loan
    concessionary package for Somalia approved in December 2019 by the governing board of the
    Fund. Therefore, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in concurrence with the Ministry of Foreign
    Relations have given their consent on rendering Sri Lankan contribution in the regard.
    Accordingly, the proposal submitted by the Minister of Finance, Economic and Policy
    Development has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers for transferring an amount equal to
    Rupees One Hundred and Sixty Three Million (Rs. 163 million) to the Somalia control account as
    the total contribution from Sri Lanka.
    2. Submission of gazettes extraordinary published under the Excise Ordinance (Authority
    52) to the approval of the Parliament.
    Proposal submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers by the Prime Minister as the Minister of Finance,
    Economic and Policy Development for tabling the following gazettes to the Parliament issued
    under the Excise Ordinance (Authority 52) for amendment of certain taxes charged under the
    above ordinance was approved.
     Excise notification No. 17/2019 published in the gazette extraordinary No. 2152/11 dated
     Excise notification No. 08/2019 published in the gazette extraordinary No. 2152/12 dated
     Excise notification No. 09/2019 published in the gazette extraordinary No. 2152/13 dated
    3. Calling applications for procurement of bricks for recreation of Deegavaapi Stupa in
    National competitive bidding has been taken place for the procurement of bricks for the
    recreation of Deegavaapi stupa in Ampara and the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC)
    appointed for the purpose has evaluated 08 bids tabled in the regard and given recommendations
    for the same. Seven (07) suppliers have been selected subject to the given recommendations
    while the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Buddha
    Sasana, Cultural and Religious Affairs for obtaining the supplies from the above mentioned 07

    4. Process for disposal of escheated sand and timber
    Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted in year 2016 for providing sand and timber
    that are escheated by the courts of law throughout the island under concessionary prices for
    construction and renovation of religious places and government bodies while the time specified
    for such concession has been extended from time to time whereas the final such extension has
    been taken place up to 31.12.2019. The proposal furnished by the Minister of Justice, Human
    Rights and Legal Reforms has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers for further extending
    the methodology from another year so that only the religious institutions will be issued sand and
    timber during that extended period.
    5. Implementation of mobile short message system for immediately informing the deposit of
    monthly contribution by the members of employees’ provident fund.
    The number of employees permanently holding the membership of the Employees’ Provident
    Fund (EPF) amounts to 2.6 million at present. With the prevailing methodology, the members of
    the Employees’ Provident Fund have to be patient for up to 06 – 12 months to know whether
    their contribution has been deposited in the fund whereas the members constantly confront with
    numerous issues relevant to accounting of contribution. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Skills Development, Employment and Labour
    Relations for initiation of a service of informing the member as soon as the contribution is
    accounted so that the members of the fund can themselves be confirmed monthly that their
    contributory amount is deposited.
    6. Concurrence with the Madrid Protocol and applying amendments to the Intellectual
    Property Act No. 36 of 2003 to enable implementation of international registration of
    trade and services marks under the Madrid Protocol.
    The applicants submit their trademarks or service marks to the National Intellectual Property
    Office (NIPO) for registration purposes do not have legal provisions at present for internationally
    getting the activity performed direct across that office. In order to continue the process of
    obtaining the international registration the applicant has to consult the intellectual property
    representative in respective countries via respective applications submitted to them. Under the
    prevailing circumstances, it is proposed for the Government of Sri Lanka to enter into the Madrid
    Protocol that is governed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Madrid
    Protocol serves an accountable, convenient, and cost effective methodology for safeguarding the
    trademarks at a cluster of jurisdictions for the exporters. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Higher Education, Technology and
    Innovations for entering the Government of Sri Lanka into the Madrid Protocol and for
    performing necessary amendments to the Intellectual Property Act with the objective of
    encouraging the Sri Lankan trade community via easing the submission of applications
    internationally under the said methodology.
    7. International Scientific Association for food security and preservation in Sri Lanka under
    sustainable paddy production.
    Paddy / Rice Research and Development Institute operating under the purview of the
    Department of Agriculture is entrusted with the responsibility of paddy research activities while

    all the categories of paddy cultivated within Sri Lanka are bred at the relevant research centres
    under the institute. International Rice Research Institute in Philippines renders its lavish support
    by providing necessary instructions, guidance, gene resources as well as technology required for
    this process. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the
    Minister of Mahaveli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development for implementing a
    programme acting in concurrence with the International Rice Research Institute for breeding
    categories of paddy that sustain to the weather changes and diseases and the parasites probable
    at present and in the future.
    8. Maintaining a preserved paddy reserve for stabilizing the food security and market prices
    for rice.
    A requirement of maintaining a preserved stock of rice for distribution during the time a price
    hike of rice is apparent during the months of November and December every year is prevailing.
    The storing capacity for maintaining a preserved stock of 24,000 metric tons of rice is available at
    present with the Department of Food Commissioners. It is expected to maintain the fixed price
    rates in the market by issuing the preserved stocks of rice maintained, via Sathosa at a
    government certified price whenever the prices of rice is increasing. Therefore, the Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Mahaveli, Agriculture, Irrigation
    and Rural Development for taking precautions required for maintaining a preserved stock of rice
    of 20,000 metric tons comprised of Samba and Naadu through obtaining stocks of paddy
    purchased by the Paddy Marketing Board (PMB).
    9. Allocation of Lands from Regional Industrial Estates to Set Up Industries
    Project Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of Industries and Supply Chain management
    has recommended the sale of the land to eight investors to initiate projects in Industrial
    estates. The project proposals of these investors are expected to generate 270 direct
    employment opportunities and It is expected to invest Rs. 726.3 million for the
    implementation of these projects. Accordingly, the cabinet of ministers approved the
    proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Industries and Supply Chain Management to allocate
    these lands to identified investors for this purpose.
    10. Extension of Free Visa Issuance for Tourists who arrive to Sri Lanka
    The cabinet of ministers has approved a free visa issuing program on the 30 th July 2019 with
    respect to 48 countries and the program implemented 6 months since the 1 st August 2019.
    Considering the development occurred in the field of tourism during this period the Cabinet
    of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation
    to extend the free visa issuing program for another 3 months from the 1 st February 2020 to
    the 30 th April 2020.
    11. Re-establishment of Pettah Manning Market Complex at Peliyagoda-
    Construction of superstructure, Development of interconnected sections of access
    from the road connected to the expressway, to the proposed shopping complex
    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Urban
    Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities to award the contract for widening 350m
    section of interconnected road to Maga. Engineering (Pvt) Ltd.

    12. Procurement for Selecting a consulting firm to regulate and evaluate the
    Health System Improvement Project
    In accordance with the recommendation of cabinet appointed Consultants Procurement
    committee, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of
    Health and Indigenous Medicine to award the above contract to Sri Lanka Business
    Development Centre for Rs. 94.23 million.
    13. Second Integrated Road Investment Program funded by the Asian
    Development Bank - Grant of 10 Civil Works Contract Packages in the Western
    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Road and
    Highways to award 10 civil works contract packages for the rehabilitation/improvement of
    rural roads in western province to NCC Limited, Klika Construction Pvt Ltd. and Gamini
    Construction joint venture , Hovel Construction Pvt Ltd and Senok Trade Combine Pvt. Ltd.
    Joint venture, Access Engineering and Luxman Metal Crushers & Enterprises upon the
    recommendation of cabinet appointed standing procurement committee.
    14. Proposal to make the railway line between Kurunegala and Mahawa a two-way road
    under Indian loan assistance program.
    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Transport Services
    Management to construct an additional 43km railway with an improved signal system in addition
    to the existing road between kurunegala abd Mahawa using the remaining funds under Indian
    loan assistance, and to obtain the services of Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau for related
    consultancy services.
    15. Funding the Government's Paddy Purchase Program for the Maha Season 2019/2020
    This program has been initiated by the government to provide a reasonable price for the paddy
    farmer. Steps are taken to release credits worth nearly Rs. 3,830 million through Bank of Ceylon,
    Peoples Bank and Regional Development Bank for the implementation of this paddy purchasing
    program which is monitored by the Divisional Secretaries and District Secretaries. The Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister in his capacity as the
    Minister of Finance, Economic and Policy Development to provide further funds through the
    same bank for the continuation of this program

    16. Proposal to make provision for settlement of Unpaid Bills of Fiscal Year 2019
    The cabinet approval has been granted on the 5 th of February 2020 for amending vote on account 2020.
    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister in his capacity as the
    Minister of Finance, Economy and Policy Development to present the respective proposal prepared by
    the legal draftsman for parliamentary approval.
    17. Implementation of Value Added Project for Mineral Sand supplied by Lanka Mineral Sands Limited
    under Public and Private Partnership Scheme
    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Industries and Supply
    management to implement a Private Public Partnership program with Lanka Mineral Sands Ltd. for
    exporting value added products produced using mineral sands.

    18. Promoting the male and female police officers stagnating in the post of Police constable
    without been promoted for an extended time to Inspector of Police subject to promoting once
    and for all.
    Due to not following a proper methodology for promoting the Police officers during the
    previous period, a large number of male and female Police officers were deprived of gaining
    promotions from the post of Police Constable to Inspector of Police even when required
    qualifications were fulfilled. Although precise procedures of recruitment had been approved, it is
    apparent that the relevant promotions had not been given. As a result of this irregularity around
    50 court cases are being filed in the Supreme Court challenging the promotions granted at
    several instances accordingly. A committee appointed by the Police headquarters have studied
    this situation and and prepared a set of proposals while, the first step of that has been
    implemented already. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers have approved the proposal
    submitted by the Minister of Mahaveli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development and the
    Minister of Internal Trade, Food Security, and Consumer Welfare as well as the State Minister of
    Defence for granting promotions to male and female Police constables, male and female Police
    Sergeants, male and female sub inspectors of Police, male and female Inspectors of Police
    considering the proposal as a policy matter.

    Acting High Commissioner of India speaks about India’s recent strides in the renewable energy sector: Energy alternatives should be “available, affordable and accessible”

    Israel is willing to assist Sri Lanka to digitalize its state sector while strengthening military ties, sharing intelligence and offer more training opportunities for Sri Lanka Police and Tri Forces personnel.

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